Automatic Candidate Screening

  • Test candidates on communication, decision-making, personality, and technical skills.
  • Don't waste time interviewing applicants who are not qualified.
  • Includes coding questions with integrated IDE.
  • $15/month for full access. No commitment. No extra costs
  • Evaluate as many candidates as you need, with no limits.

What companies say about us

A Remarkable Transformation in RecruitmentGreat hiring tool! It offers precise skill and personality screening, detailed reports, and realistic test scenarios. Exceeded my expectations and transformed our recruitment process.
David ChewSwiftX Solutions - Co-Founder & CEO
Standout Recruitment Tool for Streamlined Hiring in Government ProjectsI like it's clear, concise reports and the fact that it automatically invites candidates over by WhatsApp with just their resumes! Saves time and is essential for our technical government projects.
Victor FooServPro - Co-Founder & Project Director

What candidates say about us

I wasn't sure what to expect, but the practical tasks were a cool touch. It felt more like showing what I can actually do, rather than just ticking boxes on a test.
Ming Jun
Taking the test was straightforward. They focus on practical skills rather than just theoretical knowledge. It's nice to be evaluated on what really matters in the job.
Francis Seah
The personality test on made the process feel more human, like they cared about who I am, not just what I know.
Melvin Jovano
I got invited and straight away jumped into the test, and the interface was clear and easy to navigate truly showcase my abilities to the company.
kelvin Ang
The integrated IDE was intuitive and made the test feel like a real coding environment. It was a great way to demonstrate my skills in a familiar setup.
Brandon Neo
Liked how the coding test focused on practical skills. The questions were challenging yet fair, and the interface was smooth and easy to use. It felt like a true test of my coding abilities.
Nadya Lee
Goodbye Resumé Shenanigans: Unmasks Top Talent for YouAvoid common recruitment mistakes by accurately assessing candidates' real skills and personalities.Our system makes it easy to identify top talent, ensuring you only interview the best.Streamline your recruitment with confidence and efficiency.

Discover The Advantages

Steer Clear of Hiring MistakesA staggering 78% of job seekers embellish their résumés, and these fabrications typically slip through until they're already part of your team.
Evaluate Skills Beyond Your ExpertiseWhether it's programming, Excel functions, or personality test, our system auto-checks every answer.
Focus on Top TalentSince 80% don't pass our screening, you'll only interview the best 20%.

Parse Resume Into Candidate Info

Invite candidates quickly with our smart resume parsing

No need to type in candidate information. Just upload the resume, our smart system will parse it for you

Comprehensive Report

With, you gain access to comprehensive reports that provide invaluable insights into each candidate.

Our platform goes beyond surface-level information, delivering in-depth assessments of skills, experience, and compatibility.

Interact With Your Candidate Through AI

Engage with candidates like never before using's cutting-edge AI interaction tool.

Our platform enables a seamless and dynamic communication process between recruiters and candidates, ensuring a more personal and efficient hiring journey.

Code Playback

Unlock the full potential of's code replay feature, providing more than just playback capabilities.

Detect code plagiarism and monitor candidate activity with precision, ensuring a fair and transparent assessment process.

Say hello to enhanced evaluation security and streamline your candidate screening with confidence.

Feature List

GDPR CompliantWe safeguard your data with strict adherence to EU privacy regulations. Safe, secure, and worry-free.
Coding SkillsEvaluate coding proficiency in major languages like JavaScript, C#, and Java with integrated IDE.
Create Custom QuestionDesign your own questions to precisely meet your hiring criteria, customizing the evaluation to suit your company's unique needs.
Real-World TestSimulate real-world scenarios with practical, real-world tasks to accurately assess their job readiness and practical skills.
Anti-Cheating SystemSecure your assessments with our robust Anti-Cheating System, including features like copy-paste prevention, AI-resistant questions, activity tracking, IP checks, and webcam monitoring.
Personality TestDiscover candidate personality traits and cultural fit with our comprehensive and insightful personality assessments.
Transform Your Hiring Process Into More Effective And Efficient With
Frequently Asked Questions
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